Art Classes & Workshops
sophia / age:11
Advanced Painting Class
ornamental fish
The Advanced Painting Class painted under water scenes of Chinese Ornamental Fish. Each student studied three to four different reference materials to compose their own unique interpretation of fish swimming under water. The class began with design sketches. The students completed detailed drawings and than outlined their drawings in black. The painting process began with the background elements, the lilly pads and flowers. The fish were painted next leaving the water for last. The class used turquoise washes on top of the fish to create an under water feeling. Sophia's fish and lily have a great three dimensional quality. -
lily / age: 11
Advanced Painting Class
ornamental fish
The Advanced Painting Class painted under water scenes of Chinese Ornamental Fish. Each student studied three to four different reference materials to compose their own unique interpretation of fish swimming under water. The class began with design sketches. The students completed detailed drawings and than outlined their drawings in black. The painting process began with the background elements, the lilly pads and flowers. The fish were painted next leaving the water for last. The class used turquoise washes on top of the fish to create an under water feeling. Lily's design was very successful and the flower's reflection is beautiful. -
ken / age: 11
Advanced Painting Class
ornamental fish
The Advanced Painting Class painted under water scenes of Chinese Ornamental Fish. Each student studied three to four different reference materials to compose their own unique interpretation of fish swimming under water. The class began with design sketches. The students completed detailed drawings and than outlined their drawings in black. The painting process began with the background elements, the lilly pads and flowers. The fish were painted next leaving the water for last. The class used turquoise washes on top of the fish to create an under water feeling. Ken's loose and flowing interpretation suits his subject. -
benson / age: 11
Advanced Painting Class
ornamental fish
The Advanced Painting Class painted under water scenes of Chinese Ornamental Fish. Each student studied three to four different reference materials to compose their own unique interpretation of fish swimming under water. The class began with design sketches. The students completed detailed drawings and than outlined their drawings in black. The painting process began with the background elements, the lilly pads and flowers. The fish were painted next leaving the water for last. The class used turquoise washes on top of the fish to create an under water feeling. Benson's captured a real feeling of motion. -
teacher / sample art
Advanced Painting Class
ornamental fish
This is the Teacher's sample painting that was partially executed during class time. Visit the Step by Step instructional page for more information on the Advanced Painting Class process.